Domov » Žurnál+ » Autor: Sharon Jo Shee Woon Sen


Translation help

Sharon Jo Shee Woon S. » Osobné Blogy / 2024-04-26 09:35:49 /  Pridaj komentár

Anyone here can help me to translate my page to Slovak? I have no one to help and I can't afford the translation fee.

Seriously I feel like this website is so complicated. So many things need to be filled, so many options available and everything is everywhere. 

We are given a space to write, but the space written has a box that allow links, but in rules we are not allow to input link. In the text box we have option to type, but it came out too short. Perhaps as a user friendly reminder that the space should be at least how many characters needed. So many bugs and so hard to manage, but this is the only website I knew that works in Slovakia. 

Anyway, if anyone know how I can close down the page, I might consider as well. Because managing so many platform is not worth it.

Thank you


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